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World War I era poster promoting the Red Cross. Poster depicts a woman wearing a Red Cross hat reaching out, marching soldiers and an American flag behind her.

Redware jug with incised inscription; was made for a ship captain, which might make this example less than ideal for the exhibit. If so, I can find another of similar size - actually, probably a bit smaller.

Rochester Political Equality
Membership ticket belonging to a Mrs. (Fannie) Bigelow.

The back reads:
To be a citizen of the United States of America should entitle on to be a voter-go

Minutes of 1848 Rochester Women's Rights Convention
Sojourner Truth, Ain't I A Woman?

Delivered May 29, 1851, Women's Rights Convention, Akron, Ohio

Sojourner Truth's speech is read by Tina Chapman:

"Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think…

World War I era poster promoting victory gardens as a way to support the war effort. Poster depicts a woman dressed as an American flag and reads: "Sow the seeds of victory! Plant & raise your own vegetables. Write to the National War Garden…

Anti-suffrage postcard. Reads: Stand by the Women Vote NO on Woman Suffrage! Woman's right is the right of freedom from political duties. Over 80% of the women of New York DO NOT want to vote. The Women's Anti-Suffrage Association of Rochester.

Salt glazed stoneware jug with cobalt decoration, of the type often used for spiritous liquors.
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