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A dress worn by Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony, On Women’s Right to Vote, Philadelphia, 1872

Susan B. Anthony's speech is read by Jen Sally:

"Friends and fellow citizens: I stand before you tonight under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last…
Susan B. Anthony's speech is read by Betty Wolfanger:

"While the nation is buoyant with patriotism, and all hearts are attuned to praise, it is with sorrow we come to strike the one discordant note, on this one-hundredth anniversary of our…
Susan B. Anthony, to a convention of the Bricklayers’ and Masons’ International Union, held in Rochester, NY, on January 13, 1900

Susan B. Anthony's speech read by Juliee Decker:

"Help women to become enfranchised. Do this that we may be able…

Susan B. Anthony $1 coins were minted from 1979-1981, and again from 1999-2000. The coin was originally designed with an allegorical image of Lady Liberty, but Congress, the League of Women Voters, the National Organization for Women, and the…

Susan B. Anthony Memorial Association: Minutes, printed material, solicitation book related to raising money to erect Anthony Hall on the University of Rochester Prince Street campus.

Button reads: Suffrage First. Lettering is white against a blue stripe with a gold and cream colored background.

Salt glazed stoneware jug with cobalt decoration, of the type often used for spiritous liquors.

Anti-suffrage postcard. Reads: Stand by the Women Vote NO on Woman Suffrage! Woman's right is the right of freedom from political duties. Over 80% of the women of New York DO NOT want to vote. The Women's Anti-Suffrage Association of Rochester.

World War I era poster promoting victory gardens as a way to support the war effort. Poster depicts a woman dressed as an American flag and reads: "Sow the seeds of victory! Plant & raise your own vegetables. Write to the National War Garden…
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